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A Lost World

On the northern fringe of two continents lies a land where humanity first defined its spiritual connection to nature. A set of practices - archaic techniques of ecstasy - gave humans access to direct and unmediated experience of the natural world. There, they discovered transcendence in the Outside.

In Pursuit of Lost Worlds and Secret Spots.

Our products are built to withstand the conditions of an Arctic region where binaries dissolve: night and day, past and future, fire and ice merge in a timeless, elemental drama of the North.

Before Hokkaido or Kamchatka, Vashon or Valdez, before America, there was . . .


Beautiful, Functional Technical Apparel

Our beautiful, functional technical apparel allows you to explore the outdoors in the most direct and unmediated fashion. 

Highest Test Quality

Global partnerships that bring together apparel artisans with custom yarns, threads and textiles lie at the core of BERINGIA’s mission.

We don’t source our fabrics; we work alongside renowned textile minds to develop the highest performing fabrics on the market.

Global Mountain Expertise

Technical design draws on the collective experience of mountain professionals from the Swiss Alps, Japan Alps, and Southern Alps. 

North America + Japan

BERINGIA’s North American office and headquarters are located in Bozeman, Montana, USA along with a design lab and retail store in Tokyo, Japan.
