In the realm of outdoor gear the Inuit of Greenland have exerted outsized influence, bringing the Parka to the ROW (rest of world) and, perhaps more distinctively, the Anorak.

Traditionally constructed of seal skin or caribou hide, the Annoraaq remains the epitome of how protective attire should function: lightweight, form-fitting, unburdened by accessories like heavy buttons or zippers. With the fewest openings, penetrations, and panels - and therefore reduced seam lengths to let in wind or water - an anorak offers the highest protection and shielding for its weight. Basically it's a pullover with a hood to wrap your head, as close to a human cocoon as you can get. 

As such, it's really nothing more than an ancient version of the ever-popular Hoodie. So, who knew besides 56,879 Greenlanders that the anorak lies deep within the pre-history of Street Style? Lightweight, versatile and comfortable, every one of our favorite fleece hoodies traces its ancestry back to the venerable anorak. The anorak is still the national dress of Greenland and men wear their formal whites for ceremonial occasions. It's never been surpassed.  

TÄSMÄ Anorak

Minimal design, maximum performance, and an extra dose of street cred: it's pretty simple why anoraks are at the core of the Beringia line-up, for both summer and winter.
The Täsmä Anorak has been the mainstay of our winter line, preferred by mountain guides worldwide from the Swiss Alps to the Japan Alps to the Southern Alps.

Octa Anorak

For summer, spring and fall, the new OCTA Anorak combines the weightless performance of an ultralight anorak with a cloud mesh lining that hovers above your skin like no other piece of outerwear.

OCTA Anorak is a multi-purpose training top with heaps of style. We were obsessed with designing the perfect training top for cooler runs and workouts, and Eureka! we found it. A mechanical stretch nylon is body-mapped with fast drying and wicking OCTA insulation in “chill” zones offering dynamic heat retention only where needed. Extremely lofty, the OCTA Anorak floats lightly above your skin. Wear this piece year-round.
